Intro/ Oceania Builders
After graduation from college I decided to pursue more hands on work in the form of construction. I have the knowledge of tools and measuring from my studio courses in sculpture. In addition to that, my parents were proficient DIYers and I would get involved with renovations around the house.
Renovating and rebuilding is a completely different field from what I was conditioned to working in and I had to learn on my feet. I love engaging in new things and materials and enjoy coming up with creative solutions to problems, so keeping up became less intimidating as time passed.
Working with the right people is key to going above and beyond expectations. I am fortunate to be under the guidance of a very patient and enthusiastic General Contractor at Oceania Builders. We maintain an excellent communication dynamic between the clients and each other which is one of the major key factors that makes each job successful.
Devastating termite damage claimed this garage and most of the structure needed to be demolished.
framing, siding, roofing. up within a business work week.
Painting and finish work took up the rest of the time and the results; a beautiful garage.
Drywall, Painting, and Siding, oh my!
Quick views of a couple other jobs.
Outdoor Surfboard Shower.